Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

Ninjutsu - Black Belt Home Study Course, Playable DVD

You can become a certified martial arts Black Belt. Improve your life and learn to flow with whatever life throws at you.No longer be pushed around. Feel safe and walk the streets with confidence. Get in shape! And better yet learn at home in your own safety at your own pace!

This revolutionary Ninjutsu Home Study Course pioneered by Master Richard Van Donk is used by high ranking Ninjutsu instructors and beginning students alike with great success in over 35 countries worldwide. The project to make this Home Study Course took seven years, 1000's of hours of research, lots of blood, sweat and tears, and almost 1/4 million miles of travel in 25 trips to Japan to personally train with Grandmaster Hatsumi and other master teachers to provide you with this very comprehensive step by step Black Belt curriculum. There is none like it anywhere else in the world.

Authentic Ninjutsu is hard to find in many parts of the world. There are not qualified instructors available on every corner. The Ninjutsu Blackbelt Home Study Course gives people who are not fortunate enough to have a teacher near them an opportunity to study this art in a step by step manner, offers them a way to get feedback on their training, and if desired, obtain a certified ranking. From the reports of our video students this is a dream come true. The Ninjutsu Blackbelt Home Study Course even helps those who do have a Ninjutsu dojo near them to be able to practice the lessons at home, enhancing their training. Our students who train at the dojo and at home with the Study Course advance at least twice as quickly.

The Ninjutsu Blackbelt Home Study Course also creates a standard for growth and gives a new Black Belt a method for becoming an instructor themselves. The elite World Grandmaster Council (WHFSC) gave us the best top International Videos Award in 1999. Find out why for yourself! Do what you've always wanted to do and do it today!